AHISS – end of a series

Marijan Bekic  Marijan Bekic’s”Stargate”

Renate Verbrugge 1  Renate Verbrugge’s “Brussels by Night”

IMG_3366 copy  Liu Yang’s “The Sculptors”

So Dong Choe  So Dong Choe’s “Infinity 2150”

Simon Thomas  Simon Thomas’s “Sunshine & Showers”

Yoshin Ogata  Yoshin Ogata’s “Sunshine”

Gheorghi Filin    Gheorghi Filin’s “Sail Like the Wind”

Karin van Ommeren  Karin van Ommeren’s “The View 2”

Anna Korver  Anna Korver’s “Prada”

Francesco Panceri  Francesco Panceri’s “Coexistence”